Everybody has a disorder nowadays, but …..

Have you noticed the labelling going on these days? Either they have a label or they are seeking a label or they have been told by someone that they should have a label.

Why does everyone one want some sort of disorder diagnosis? Is it a badge of honour? Does it excuse you for poor behaviour?

This is personal for me. I have a diagnosis  and it is hard to deal with. I really should see someone and have all the labels figured out and put on paper. I have been medicated, I have lived with people knowing I have a messed up brain chemistry. I have dealt with the looks and stares because I can just not be like everyone else.

I am currently not on medication because I don’t think the way normal people do even when on medication. I moderate myself with my diet. I have to stick to my diet or the issues arise again. I often fail. I often have to pick myself back up and remind myself that I am worth it. Just because I am not like everyone else, doesn’t make me less.

Having yourself labelled doesn’t always make life easier. It actually can make it harder. While you may now understand that it is just they way your body is. You still need to learn how to function in society  You still need to learn how to just move little bit consistently so you don’t have the build up of energy that makes you want to jump and and run around a room screaming. You have to learn how to read the company you are in as to how much you can talk and what you can talk about. You have to learn coping mechanisms with your own personal issues because people will just think you are bat shit crazy if they knew what really was going on in your mind.

I have a diagnosis of ADHD ( attention deficit hyperactive disorder), I also have chronic depression, dealing and anxiety and paranoia. I have been medicated in the past when I have had bad episodes. I don’t like being on medication, I can’t think right, sure I may not have the feelings of restlessness or debilitating sadness, but I just have a cloud in my head.

This is why I use food. good food, whole food. When I eat a clean unprocessed diet, I feel better in my body. I need to eat whole fats like butter, cream, avocados and fish. I eat lots of vegetables and fruits. I limited my grain intake. I try and stay away from artificial dyes and processed white sugar. I know what happens when I eat stuff that I shouldn’t, my body hurts and my brain fritzes.  This way though I know what is going into my body.

Having a label doesn’t give you a free pass to act like a jerk. It should be to make you accountable for yourself. knowing that you have something that is off give you responsibility to learn how to act. It is harder, it is a challenge. We are unique individuals who think differently, having a label doesn’t make you special. You are special you already know that. Having a label does give you a special badge, it is not something to brag about. It does not put you into an elite club. It gives you more challenges, pretty much daily.

Don’t take a diagnosis lightly, it is not funny or a game to those of us who deal with the challenges daily. It is not something to get extra attention or money for. It is not something to make your life easier. Sure  there may be benefits right now, but once you have that label you have it for life. A misdiagnosis can follow you for the rest of your life.

Mother’s day

This Mother’s day was pretty nice, it was a pretty relaxed day.

I got a flower from Damian. They made it at Beavers and it was really nice little gift. He hid it from my and took care of it all week till Saturday.
Hubby took the time while we were at Beavers to make a Mother’s day craft with the other two kiddos. I was so happy to get this creative little craft. ❤ it just made my heart swell these are gifts that I really like.
My bought gift was a stackable planter set for my herbs so that they can be on the deck instead of down in the garden where I can access them easier.
All in all it was wonderful day with me feeling up and down on the wellness scale with the pregnancy but I was surrounded by those I love I didn’t have to cook or change diapers. What more could  mom ask for?

Going outside the box

Do you get into a cooking rut sometimes? Find yourself making the same things over and over?

Well think outside the box. Try something different!

Here you see a stir fry with onions, carrots, peppers, farmers sausage, celery, noodles and yes brussel sprouts.

Take a moment and get adventurous with your food. you never know what you will create.

Take thing you know you like and things that you know are good for you and have some fun.

Getting out of the box can be the best thing for your menu. Stale menu’s lead to not wanting to cook or eat the same thing over and over again. Food can be a good friend but there always needs to be a bit of fun and respect in the mix.

Works well with others………

What does it mean to work well with others? Seriously? Everyone put it on their resume and it is such a token comment in any interview. It is something that children are graded on in school even. I’m looking at the world and wondering what does it really mean “works well with others”?

Honestly in my opinion the expectations of today’s society there is a major change in the wording needed, to explain what is expected. Works well for others! This is what is really wanted in most situations. Some one who is compliant and does what they are told with no resistance. This makes me sad, especially for children. Adults have more choice in the matter. If they don’t like the situation they are allowed to change it, children not so much.

Now when I think of a good team scenario I think of people who compliment each other, all having different strengths and weaknesses and corroborating together. This far too often isn’t what really happens in many situations, sure in some but really in most it isn’t. You have your boss and they tell you what to do.

I personally find it more and more that “works well with others” really is meaning I listen well and do as I’m told. Very rarely are people wanting someone with drive and ambition, who are wanting to move forwards and makes changes where they need to be made. What is wanted is someone who will put their head down and work, won’t cause confrontation or problems. Just simply do as wanted.

Is that who you want your child to be? Is that who you want to be? If you do then great, but I don’t. I want to work with others. I want to be free to make choices and decisions  I would like people to be open to new ideas, not just what corporate wants. I do not want to be a drone and I don’t want my children to be forced into becoming one. I want them to love life and enjoy.